15 November 2009

Taming the island

Sunday 15th November 2009

An interesting week.  Started it in Paris on Monday morning and was glad to be back home (although not to be apart) and got home to discover that phase one of the landscape project had taken place.  The untamed jungle island in front of the house was in need of some treatment so the first phase to clear that of miscellaneous weeds and put down azaleas and pine straw was under way.  Thanks to a very soggy Tuesday, it was completed later in the week and does look remarkably better than it did before.  My neighbour who is retired and spends his days working on his garden is probably quite delighted.  Next year will see phase two (the back).  That will be a much larger undertaking.

Taming the Island

As I write, it's officially the tenth anniversary of the formation of Silverpop - we had a company 10th anniversary celebration at the Georgian Club on Wednesday which was very enjoyable.  I believe without prompting, we received a congratulatory letter from the state Governor.  So there was cake for that, and again on Thursday for Bill's birthday (our CEO).  Quite a week for eating things that are bad for one.

Is this a cat?

Feeling decidedly crappy by Friday (not the swine flu) and was delighted to start the day with a trip to the foot doctor for an interesting case of plantar fasciitis (which google wants to change to Fascist) - so a couple of cortisone injections in the foot and it's all good.  Well, it will be after the next couple of injections and a few weeks of exercising it with a frozen water bottle (don't ask).

She thinks my job is to pet her

Feeling better today so I spend an hour putting up insulation strips on the garage doors which will make the basement a warmer place during the winter (and perhaps more pleasant in the summer too).   They were remarkably simple to put up and we'll see when it gets cold here just how effective they will be.

The door project - complete

Hopefully this will be a relatively quiet week and I can also get some photography done.  Other than cats or leaves or that new rosemary bush I bought.

Have a fun week.

I'm sleeping



Kristen Johnson said...

My sister has the same foot thing as you, but she had to have surgery. Yucky.

Unknown said...

So that's what the little surgery kit was for that came in the mail with links to a YouTube video :)