09 June 2008

Herding cats.

So it's official - we have a new cat. Well, new to us. Adopted Pepper from the cat rescue (wonder how effective cats are at rescue? Climbing ladders must be interesting). He's being renamed Tinto which is black coffee; quite appropriate for us. He's also a domestic American Shorthair and is about a year old (and a couple of pounds heavier). He is nutless, just like his cousin.

He and Curiosity are circling each other with very few issues. He's very sociable and after I gave him some special cat food, he became so much more so.

Herding Cats - Tinto Arrives

No doubt there will be other photo opportunities soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new cat!

. . . and then there were two.

-Bob & Monica