12 June 2008

Outdoor adventures

It's been an interesting couple of days. The cats have gotten on better than we'd expect and are settling in for the long haul.

Tinto has decided that the basement/garage holds many delights and brings a rare find up to share with us - a leaf that had blown in. Apparently this provided many more hours of entertainment than the mice/balls/cat accessories combined. If only I could work out a way to sell them.

From Herding Cats ...

Sleeping seems to be a common trait. He's monopolizing the igloo although can be too large to completely fit in it at times.

He's been out a couple of times onto the balcony and chased the local insect population. His inexperience with the outside world shows though as he's somewhat timid. Earlier he jumped off the balcony to the ground (only a couple of feet where he did it) and then demonstrated that claws are useful by leaping a good five feet or so and scrambling back onto the balcony using claws, crampons and an ice pick (I'm joking about the ice pick).

He has certainly recovered from his horrible morning during which I stuffed him in a cat carrier and drove him to the vet for a check up. Now he's home again, he's going to make the most of it.

Those of you wondering when I am going to stop writing about dang felines probably wish for the prolonged radio silence earlier in the Spring. Tough - cats are fun and provide us with many hours of entertainment.

Other stuff.... We might be going to Toronto in August for the 2008 AMCIS conference. A chance also to consume some frequent flyer miles and see Canada (barely). The conference is taking place at the Sheraton so it shouldn't be too shabby. Possibly also going to San Francisco in September for the Oracle OpenWorld 2008 conference.


Anonymous said...

If you and Claudia ever make it to Southern California, let me know. I'll take you out for a "congratulations on achieving wedded bliss" mexican food dinner!

Unknown said...

We may just take you up on that. San Diego is a short trip from SF (although I insist on a detour through Death Valley).